Monday, August 31, 2009

I realized today what TV actually does for a person.
Growing up my OCD father always told me "No, TV rots your brain. You can't watch it. Your brain will rot. Simpson's will rot your brain. Your brain will rot if you watch it. That's why you're so stupid already." So i always settled for the fact that my brain will rot inside my skull. But watching it for the first time since I was young again tonight I finally figured it out.

We see how these people live inside the show. Careless or careful. Always with the external show of human emotion, human relationships, human activity. And yet the one thing they cannot show, is human nature and the depth of human existence. We watch these people on television everyday, and you can't even truly relate to them. What you see is smiles. You don't see the confusion or how they truly feel through a bunch of flashing lights and a glass cover to contain it all. We fashion our lives to fit theirs. We fashion our relationships to fit theirs. We idolize a fake world. That's why humans are so unwilling to accept change or difference, because not all of it can fit in a show. They can't show you the astral plane or a body of light through a camera. Therefore it doesn't exist to them. Why go out and find your own experience when you can sit down and watch other people have it?


Monday, July 6, 2009

Humans are multi-dimensional, undefinable beings

What compels someone to identify themselves with a specific category? In movies, high schools are always portrayed with stereotypical cheerleader, Jock, Nerd social dividers. By looking around my school, this is simply not the case. We are all searching for a certain group or lifestyle to identify with, to be a part of. We change drastically from year to year. So much, in fact, that we change groups of friends multiple times. We are all seeking some sort of comfort in trying to find out who we really are. What we forget is that we are already who we are. Being a part of a certain scene doesn't make us any more defined than we already are. The human race is a multi-dimensional, undefinable being. So if I were to sit down and think about who I am as a person, my answer would be, me. These social classes mean nothing in the long run. These traits a person obtains or is born with, is useless. We are people, we change constantly. Our brain rewires itself and we have a fresh new perspective on life and then the next week, we are searching again. Who I am, as a being myself, is everything and nothing at once. But who I would like to become, that is ever changing. The only thing that matters, is what I can do for the rest of the world. I refuse to leave this world contributing nothing. Just sitting in a cubicle all day watching time pass and being worried about which celebrity had a baby while the rest of the world is starving and the ecosystem is failing. This is the only thing I truly understand about myself.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One must question everything to achieve full understanding

Is it possible for a society to set standards on human emotion? Telling an individual that something he is feeling within himself is not what they deem to be "normal" and he should therefore hang his head in shame? If what he were to be feeling was not normal to them then why is it in his nature to feel that way and could the people who accuse him of being abnormal actually feel the same exact emotion at one time or another?
It seems that the emotion he experiences frightens the others around him. This must be what they use to feel out whether someone is safe to associate with; whether or not they feel comfortable around him. Our comfort zone is based off of what? What we are used to. But what if all that we are used to is just fixed up to be a certain way? And shouldn't the method he uses to either cure or act upon his frightening emotion determine whether or not he is abnormal?
"Abnormal", "out of the ordinary" are both terms to describe what? Someone or something that does not conform to things such as: government, rules or laws, set standards, etc. All being things in which everyone must abide to, or conform to. Is it a natural reaction? Or has it been drilled into our heads from birth? We have been taught, we have observed, we have experienced our need to follow these rules to play our part in this world, not in it's natural state but within it's social endeavors. My point being; if we were to have never learned, observed, or experienced a "set standard" for all things would we still have a single track mind on how it all should be? Or would we be more open minded of the variety around us? Not necessarily "accepting" due to the fact that we do not see a difference as being anything worthy of rejection.
Knowing this, would we be able to recognize any subliminal or major message put forth on how we should be thinking? Things such as an everyday commercial wherein a character acts upon his own free will and everyone around him glares at him in protest. That is a perfect portrayal of what you would and wouldn't expect to happen. The character acting upon his will represents a disturbance, one that we would not expect. At the same time everyone around him glaring in annoyance is a reaction we would expect. Two thoughts at once; The man acting upon his will must be a bad disturbance and the fact that everyone around him thinks so as well is the correct reaction to have. All from a ten second commercial.

The obligatory introduction blog

To start out my blog with a bang, I would like to share my understanding that not a lot of people will stumble upon this or much less, even care. But I am willing to try and reach you all anyway.

Millions of people log onto the internet everyday. However many of us spend so much of our time on myspace or youtube or porn sites, that we forget how useful the internet can become to you. You can connect with people you would have otherwise never met or you can carry on conversations with someone in a completely different part of the world and you don't even have to speak the same language, you can just use an easy online translater.

But my blog is not an online diary. It is a place for me to share with the world my theories and philisophical thoughts.
A very good thing to remember when you decide to venture further into my thoughts played out for you, is that you must leave every piece of information you thought you ever obtained at the door. This is not a place for close minded thinkers who explore only books rather than see and experience things themselves.

So enjoy. I hope to find that both you and I should find this experience quite liberating.